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Event Series Beginner Yoga – TCAP

Beginner Yoga – TCAP

TCAP Family Aquatic & Fitness Centre

Beginner Yoga at TCAP will be led by Certified Instructor Kate Forget. This 6 week program will be a “Gentle Hatha” or “Beginner Flow” class - A general more accessible…

Event Series Senior’s Walking Group

Senior’s Walking Group

Mill River Trail 180 Mill River Resort Rd, O'Leary

We are excited to partner with Alzheimer Society of Prince Edward Island Weekly walking program at the Mill River Resort Trail.  Please park at the Aquaplex parking lot and we…

Event Series Youthful Hearts

Youthful Hearts

Cavendish Farms Wellness Centre

8 Week program that will consist of 4 Chair Yoga sessions led by Kate Forget followed by 4 Fitness sessions with Karli Wilson! Combined with info, tips & facts to…

Featured Featured

The Great Pumpkin Walk

Mooney's Pond

We are sooooo excited to be able to team up with Morell River Management Cooperative & Mooney's Pond Centre again to offer our annual halloween event! We are expecting this…